in this fantasy, adventure shonen, Three young mercenaries cross a frontier infested with giant bug demons for a chance to compete in a legendary competition.
I know what it's like to feel as if the problems of the world are too complex to solve.
I know what it's like to feel as if the problems of the world are too complex to solve.
That's why I created a manga that will make these larger than life problems more manageable by changing the way you look at the world, so that you can be a better hero in your own journey.
The Author
JaQ Paul
Help you build relationships in your life and find community.
Improve your critical reasoning skills
Improve literacy
Improve your systemic thinking skills.
Promote personal growth and wellness practices.
Inspire you to achieve your dreams.
Long story short, This story will help you unf#ck your life
Long story short, This story will help you unf#ck your life
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Ⓒ 2023 JaQ Paul. Property of Victory Road Media LLC & JaQ Paul. All rights reserved.